The Challenge
Beatroute's mission to create the world's largest Travel Experience Aggregator & Travelling planning platform meant as a bootstrapping startup we needed to;
  1. Structure technical & commercial associations with some of the largest event, sightseeing, and experience platforms around the world. 
  2. Unify and create a consistent and easy-to-navigate user experience for our customers. An enormously challenging task given each type of event & provider has a different variable, booking flow. 
Solution Design 
Step 1. Identifying & Building Relationships with suppliers
  • Identified & prioritized potential suppliers in order of the number of outbound leisure travelers to each destination and the number of experiences each supplier can provide.   
  • Fostered associations with key members from the alliances' teams at some of the largest ticketing aggregators around the world, namely;
    • Ticketmaster, Stubhub, Viator, Ticketek & more. 
  • Structured commercial & licensing agreements with each of the suppliers. 
Step 2. Creating a unified API architecture 

Once we received API access to each of the suppliers, the next challenge was to identify a unified manner of integration. Here is how we achieved this:
  • Studying documentation and running sandbox tests of each of the APIs.
  • Studying the API requests expected, the response formats, API request limits, stability of the APIs & payload.   
  • The solution we arrived at was:
    • Creating a unified & centralized proprietary inventory engine. This engine consumed the Event information from all our partners & aggregated the information for the platform. This resulted in a unified, reliable flow of information on our platform. We achieved response times of under 10 milliseconds. ​
    • Integration of each supplier's booking API only once the customer is committed to making a booking.  
Key Results
The largest travel experience aggregator with over 200k experiences in 45 countries. 
API response times under 10 milliseconds 
Structure closed & managed business-critical associations.  
Seamless User flows with over 10 suppliers integrated logo