The Challenge
I had joint the team in 2011 in their marketing & alliances team. But soon, found my niche in Product management. At the time, the operation was led by a core business team of 4 & I was sole Product manager. When I took over the product roll I had to put in hygiene processes for analyzing the product, putting in SOPs for smooth operations.  Following this led to revamping the web-platform from the ground up & putting into place BookMyShow's Mobile strategy that would be critical to sustain the platform's dominance.
Solution Design 
Step 1. Analysis -  Setting up Funnels, Cohorts, Heatmaps 
2 years since the product had been in the market, but mining actionable data and making data-driven decisions needed to be put in place. This was my first course of action.  
  • Setting up & analyzing funnels
  • Looking at early cohort analysis
  • Setting KPIs to drive product growth.
Step 2. Conducting research interviews with key stakeholders.
Went through a rigorous process of understanding feedback, feature requirements, difficulties faced by all stakeholders, from;
  • Our clients/event organizers
  • On-ground & operations teams 
  • Customer service teams 
  • Management & Business heads
  • Technical Team feedback & understanding the technical debt incurred
Step 4. Platform design overhaul basis the findings:

  • Over 3 design sprints, we prototyped different solutions for the design of the platform. 
  • The designs were user tested both with users & stakeholders
Step 5. Project managing development
Once the designs were finalized, I managed the development using align frameworks. 
Key Results
Substantially Improved UX 
5X improvement in engagement & social sharing
15% Reduced-drop off on certain ket pages, eg. Seat Selection 
Improved conversion rates by 12%
Launching of a new vertical, Events business 
New branding launch logo