A Product Manager's epic adventure

Once upon a time, there existed an enchanting kingdom of ‘Beasteria’ which was a land inhabited by intelligent animals. They could speak and understand human language. They had their own culture and customs, and they lived in harmony with the natural world.

The bustling community was tackling a challenge of diversified and varied forms of communication. There was a need of uniform medium of conversation which would enable everyone to understand each other seamlessly. With no tools to aid them, the animals relied on their current ability to communicate with each other.

In Beasteria land, there lived a creative Owl named Owlly. She was known for her inventive mind and this year she had an ambitious plan to build a device that could revolutionize the learning space. She called the device “Ekbhaashi” which was a small wearable device that could be used by any animal. It had a built-in library of educational content, as well as a variety of tools and activities to help animals learn the new language.

A fierce and courageous Lion named Lionel was the King of the land. When he heard about the news that Owlly was working on an innovative product named ‘Ekbhaashi’, he soon decided to meet her. He also took his assistant, the agile Monkey – Manklu with him to write down the minutes of meeting.

Lionel: “Hey Owlly, what role have you played in building this product?”Owlly: “Well Lionel, I managed the entire product, overseeing its development and success, collaborating with multiple folks. So you can basically call me a Product manager.Lionel: “How did you start with this?”Owlly: “One of my initial tasks was to define the product strategy, understand the market and identify the customer needs. Lionel: “Oh, what a strategic thinker you are!! I am impressed.”Owlly: “Once the product strategy was in place, I conducted the User research to figure out what features the product should have. This includes talking to other members in the animal community and studying the market trends. I interviewed a bunch of them and asked them to fill User surveys to understand their needs, preferences and expectations.”Lionel: “Oh so you acted as a Detective to gather all evidence?”Owlly: “Ha Ha, yeah, you could say that. I also prioritized features based on what users want, what the competition from our neighboring land of Animaria is doing.”Lionel: “So you made the to-do list of the product?Owlly:Yes, that's a simple way to put it. Basically, I created a product roadmap, which is like a timeline that shows when different features will be developed and launched.” Lionel: “Ah, Understood. And then what did you do?”Owlly: “Then I worked with the Design and Development team headed by our dear-most Bear “Baloo” with whom I shared the requirements and made sure that the product is built according to the plan. I also closely worked with different teams such as Engineering, Marketing, and Sales to ensure that everyone was aligned with the product vision. I communicated the product roadmap and priorities to these teams to ensure that they are working towards the same goals.”Lionel: “Wow, that sounds exciting. You tried to bridge the gap between the business side and the tech side, making sure that everyone is on the same page”Owlly:  ”Absolutely. I do such team meetings regularly to discuss the progress where I also review the customer feedback and market trends to identify new opportunities for the product. During development, I also oversee testing and quality assurance to ensure the product meets the required standards. I gave the device to some of the Animals in Beasteria to try out its features and they loved it. They were able to learn the new language at their own pace. Also, they had a lot of fun doing it.Lionel: “So tell me one thing Owlly. What happens after the product is built?”Owlly: “Well, then comes the go-to-market phase. I would then create strategies on how the product will be priced, positioned in the market and how will it then be marketed to the customers, not only in Beasteria land but also the likes of our neighboring land of Animaria and many more.”Lionel: “So basically you are responsible for making sure that the product is success in the real world?Owlly: “Right. And even after launch, I will have to keep an eye on user feedback, monitor performance, and make data-driven decisions to improve the product.Lionel: “So its safe to assume that you are like the caretaker of the product, always making sure it’s in good shape.”Owlly: “Exactly!! I would track key performance indicators to assess the product’s success. I would also manage the budget allocated to the product to use the resources effectively.”Lionel: “Amazing. Sounds like a lot of responsibility. You seem like the director of the product world, coordinating everything.”Owlly: “You could say that. PMs have a big role, and their decisions can have a significant impact on the success of a product.Lionel: “Thanks for explaining that. It is indeed a challenging but a rewarding job at the same time.”Owlly: “Thank you so much Lionel.”

Owlly was proud of what she has accomplished. She has built a product that was helping the animals of Beasteria learn a new language which was effective for everyone to speak and communicate. She knew that this product would make a real difference in the world.

Lionel congratulates her and then asks Manklu to publish in nutshell “Aisa kya hai product manager mein”?

In the kingdom of Beasteria, the product “Ekbhaashi” became a symbol of innovation and progress. Owlly’s creation demonstrated that even in the world of intelligent animals with unique abilities, technology could enhance their lives, improve their traditions, and bring their community closer together.

Kudos to all the Product Managers out there who are making a lasting impact in the tech world!


A product manager must be customer-obsessed visionary, a great communicator and a superb collaborator along with traits of a data nerd having excellent analytical skills. He / She should not only possess leadership skills but also technical skills. Product manager must have a unique blend of creativity, strategic thinking, technical acumen, problem solving and people skills.

He / She must be able to lead without authority i.e., build credibility while collaborating with multiple functions to earn the confidence of the internal stakeholders.

If you are embarking on the journey of a product management, keep in mind a few steps:

  • Build a strong foundation by learning fundamental concepts.
  • Immerse yourself in books and courses on product management.
  • Connect and network with experienced product managers whose insights can be immensely valuable.
  • Take on real product management projects
  • Familiarize yourself with tools and software used in product management.
  • Always stay curious in the ever-evolving world of product management

The Product management world is filled with exciting opportunities and your journey begins with the first step.

Let's learn together and inspire each other. Good luck, and may your path be filled with valuable lessons and thrilling successes! 

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