10 tips to keep in mind for a telephonic interview


Facing an interview can be a gruelling task, more so if you can't even see the interviewer's face. No reading of body language and you're constantly guessing the mood of the person who's supposed to put you into tough spots now and again.

Over a few years, I've faced such situations (with and without results). For guys out there facing the grind, here are some points to keep in mind when an interview is due.

1.     Homework. Also, have prepared answers for standard questions “What do you do in your current role? Why do you want to quit this job? What do you know about this company? What do you know about the profile you’ve applied to? etc. to save yourself from missing out on relevant information in a hurry.

2.     Adapt your strategy according to the interviewer’s profile. Be sure to check out the LinkedIn profile of the person beforehand to know about them.

3.     Keep in mind whether the interviewer is from the department you’re applying to or from the HR to answer the “What’s your current CTC?” question in a better way.

4.     Never bog yourself down or put too much pressure on yourself before picking up the call. Keep your head clear of tension at least half an hour before the interview. There should a palpable energy in your voice and conviction in your words starting from the word ‘Hello’.

5.     Take a pause to listen to the question and think of the answer before framing your sentences.

6.     Be very specific in your answers. Note down important points which may seem relevant.

7.     Don’t be tempted to fill in the pauses. Give a clear answer and shut up, don’t ramble on.

8.     Summarise long answers by highlighting key points you think should register in the interviewer’s mind.

9.     Take follow-up action. At the end of the call, thank the interviewer for his or her time, reiterate your interest in the job and request a face-to-face interview.

10.  If you think, somehow, you are not able to take the call at the given time of interview due to emergency or ill health, excuse yourself from before the interview starts. Tender and apology and ask for a rescheduling. Don’t risk your interview because of factors you can’t control.

These are just my observations and leanings after receiving multiple sweet-chin-music over the telephone. You're welcome to post your learning too in the comments for people looking for inspiration. 

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