If queen had balls she’d be the king!

This quote from my current read, ‘Maybe You Should Talk to Someone’ by Lori Gottlieb, initially made me laugh. However, it carries a deeper meaning about embracing challenges and not settling for anything less just because it’s safe or known.

Last weekend was exciting, as I attended two startup meet-ups back to back. It’s just crazy to see how many startups are in Indore City, and that too operating with profits, which is not the case with many mega startups.

The first event was organized by Dr. Deepak Motwani and the Wadhwani Foundation where the panel discussions offered valuable insights into the startup ecosystem and the challenges faced by new businesses.

The second event, hosted by Aditi and Mayank from Supersourcing, featured a masterclass with Ayush Bansal, VP at Razorpay who shared his journey and insights about starting up. 

Ayush’s experiences highlighted the importance of resilience and adaptability. P.S. He was the 4th employee at Razorpay, currently it’s company of thousands plus people. 

Key Learnings:

Understand the Problem: Focus on the problem you’re solving before anything else. This was emphasized by multiple speakers who stressed the importance of identifying a clear problem statement.

Hire Fast, Fire Faster: While tough, this is crucial for company growth. More than that, I also see this quote from the perspective of an employee: grab the right opportunity, quit faster if it’s not what you’re excited about. It’ll save both parties time and resources.

Set Clear Values: Both for your company and yourself; refine values regularly. If there are three sides to something—white, black, or grey—even grey is black. Don’t do something which you’re not proud of.

Founders’ Role: Their primary focus should be on running the company, even if it means making difficult decisions like stepping out of the role. P.S. If you don’t know how to train your kid for swimming, find someone who can. This is not just about swimming. 

Book Recommendation: The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz.

Lastly, the walnut brownies at both sessions were a delightful treat! :)
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