Do you know there's a PSU in India which produces sandalwood soaps? 

And for your information it is not underperforming but is producing huge profits, even after so much competition from the global brands.

My mother recently visited the Southern India recently. When she returned she had 2 sandalwood soaps and a seashell she had picked up from the beach for me. 

Presenting to you all The Mysore Sandal Soap — a fragrant tale of self-reliance. 

"Mysore Sandalwood Soap" has a very long history. This bestseller, among other sandalwood products, is promoted and produced by Karnataka Soaps & Detergents Ltd. KSDL is owned by the government of Karnataka.

Here are a few interesting things about this soap that you should know:

- This is the only soap which has 100% pure sandalwood oil.

- The company, which has a geographical indication (GI) tag for its sandalwood soaps, currently exports to 11 countries including The Americas, Saudi Arabia, The UK and France to name a few.

- As per a Deccan Herald article from 2019, KSDL has less than 500 employees, while the minimum requirement is 1000+ employees. 

- The former captain of team India got his first endorsement deal in 2005 with Mysore Sandal Soap but read more about it, you'll understand how PSUs work. :)

- The soap factory of KSDL in Bengaluru that manufactures Mysore Sandal Soap is one of the largest of its kind in the country. It has the capacity of producing 26,000 tonnes of soap every year.

The soap market in India is worth ₹20,000 crore and has seen consumer needs evolving in the last two years.

Apart from supply chain and marketing to masses what else do you think is a issue with KSDL that has limited their products to Southern India only? logo