The Idea   

About Project  
Kiosk Go emerges as a user-centric and feature-rich solution, fostering a goal-oriented and engaging environment for both administrators and Kiosk operators. With its focus on transaction efficiency, user motivation, and attendance management, Kiosk Go redefines the kiosk management experience. 
Problem Statement  
Al Mulla Exchange Kuwait had recently launched Off Site Kiosks and this called for a management system to monitor the Kiosks and the operators who were appointed to each Kiosk. With admins being short on time, an app which can be used on-the-go was very much a necessity. 
The Process  
  • The logo KioskGo is a wordmark type with the Go having lines on the side to depict the on-the-go nature of the app.
  • Two different user flow was made to accommodate the two different personal using this app which is an Admin and a Kiosk Operator.
  • The colour palette is derived from Al Mulla Exchange brand colour.

  • In the dashboard I have included a bar graph depicting the top performing Kiosks with their locations.
  • The Kiosk operator cards are designed to show the availability of the operator and their daily progress.
  • The Admin can check the attendance and also assign the goal for each Kiosk Operator on clicking these cards.
  • The Admin can send a global message to all the operators and also enter the names and area of the top achiever which will then be broadcasted in the operators screen.

  • The Kiosk operators can view their daily transaction goal that is set by the admin the through the tracker.
  • The screen is designed to show case the target set by the admin.
  • The Operators can view the global messages sent by the admin and acknowledge them.
  • The names of top achievers will also be displayed for the operators to view. logo