MBA Summer Internships & PPOs (for those currently pursuing an MBA)


It is by far one of the most anxious periods - a lot of you have received, or are awaiting the news from your internship companies about Pre-Placement Offers, which I'm sure all of you deserve so much.

Heartiest congratulations to those who have, enjoy your 2nd year, find new things of interest, keep learning & growing.

But for those who haven't, I implore you to not be disheartened, for this is not the end of the world and doesn't at all imply any sort of failure from your end. It's just another opportunity to find your right fit.

I had primarily targeted Product Management during my summer placements & was lucky enough to get to work at as a PM Intern. Much to my dismay then, I didn't get offered the PPO. However, it really did prove to be the proverbial blessing in disguise as:

1. It firmly reconfirmed my belief that a career in PM is what I want. Thus I could have a much more focused & streamlined effort towards it during my Lateral Placement preparations. I understood the role better, learnt quite a lot & really enjoyed it.
2. It brought in me an innate desire to do better than what I had done & achieved before, and with that, came discipline. This discipline accompanied me in everything, be it laterals preps, case comps or academics and I would like to believe that it improved me significantly in all fields.
All this (+ loads of luck and support from my friends & wingies) helped me bag one of the most exciting PM roles in the country, at Flipkart (now 4 months in, loving it!)

Thus, if you liked (in terms of learning and/or enjoyment) your intern stint, that's absolutely brilliant, you've found your fit!

If you didn't, then thank your stars for not being stuck there & now you can go on a sincere quest (where discipline & hard work are your only guides) towards finding the role/industry/domain that you truly deserve. 
There would also be some other students in this category who did get PPOs, I would advise you as well to give this a thought (NOT asking you to straightaway reject your offers). If your institute allows for Dream applications, nothing better than that!

This is by far the best time for you to experiment in finding your dream role. Just like a product-market fit, a candidate-company fit is extremely vital (but is often ignored). People tend to put way too much pressure on summers, but really do try to not get drawn into it as this 2-month thing is going to have absolutely no consequence in the grander narrative of your career. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to treat it for what it is - just an internship. Everyone does end up reaching where they are supposed to, within 3-4 years after their graduation.

Remember - 
“““Ever Tried, Ever Failed. No Matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better.”

-Samuel Beckett”

-Peter Dinklage (for I first heard the quote from him)”

-Michael Scott (who else?) logo