I recently met with a VP of marketing that has led marketing teams at multiple 500M+ tech companies...

... here's what I learned:

- He used Google Ads
- He used display ads
- He started ABM early 
- He listened to sales calls
- He talked with customers 
- He A/B tested at scale
- He used unique branding 
- He met with sellers weekly
- He used AI in the tech stack
- He used AI to create content 
- He invested in data analytics 
- He had a CDP
- He used a MAP and CRM
- He did all this in an integrated fashion
- He was just like everyone else
- He was human
- He was normal
- He was a Dad
- He maintained good work life balance 
- He was slightly bald 

He. Was. Me.

As an actual marketing leader that's worked at big companies and done this stuff, don't believe all the hype you read on LinkedIn.

All these "I met with this unicorn genius who gave me their secrets" posts are click-bait.

You have no idea if it's real (it probably isn't).

But who cares? Really.

Why are we so caught up in what everyone else is doing? Most of the tactics that work for some other company are not just copy paste for you anyway. 

B2B right now is obsessed with tactics. Most successful companies didn't find success on a single tactic.

Ever heard someone say "Slack is a unicorn because they had a fantastic PPC program??"


Real success requires ingenuity and creativity. You can learn systems and frameworks, but you'll need to figure out "your way" of executing.

So stop comparing yourself to others and just go be the best version of yourself. Be creative, take risks, try new things. 

And if you want real insights or a human connection in the B2B marketing space, give me a follow and send me a DM.
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