Devangi Yogeshbhai Pujara
Growth Marketer | Web Analyst - 10+ Years of B2C & B2B Marketing Experience
Digital Marketer
Growth Marketer
Performance Marketer
Google Analytics Specialist
Google Ads
SEO Expert
Email Marketing
Ecommerce Growth
Affiliate Marketing
Facebook Ads
Content Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Klaviyo Expert
Pinterest Marketing
Shopify Marketer
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About ME 😎
Hey, I'm Devangi!
 My experience spans various industries, encompassing retail (specifically health and beauty), B2B Affiliate Network, e-commerce, healthcare, gaming, and the wholesale distribution of OTC products.
 In my spare time, I'm all about jet-setting and hitting up fresh cafes for those foodie vibes. Oh, and I've got some mad cooking skills too! 
A Big Time Foodie!
Swimming is meditation!!!!
My furry baby
 Please visit my LinkedIn profile to access additional professional information. 
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