Harshith Bangera
I help brands and SMBs scale their revenue πŸš€ Independent Marketing Consultant | I also run a bakery πŸͺ🍰. Love sipping on spirited concoctions by the beach πŸΈπŸ–οΈ
Facebook Ads
Google Ads
Paid Ads
PPC Marketing
Business Strategy
Growth Marketer
Media Strategy
Performance Marketing
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Mumbai, India
Saved 30% of the ad budget to achieve our target KPIs
Kommune x Spotify x Anchor

Generated sign-ups for podcasting workshops that led up to a series of pitchfests with over 200 new podcasters at the end of the campaign.
Increased ROAS by 10x within the first 10 days
Raised over 35 Lakhs in charity in a span of 10 days
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