Renju Kurien John
Now Leading Brand Partnerships @ SuperStuff 🌈 🤝 | Ex Brand Manager @ Moonshine Meads | Hospitality grad turned Marketer 👨🏻‍🍳👨🏻‍💻
Brand Management
Brand Solutions
Event Marketer
Social Media Marketing
Content Creation
Pune, India
Moonshine Years: 2019 - 2024
I joined Moonshine in 2019 to lead engagement and community building at events & experiences.

Over the years, ended up doing so much more! 📈
As an alco-bev brand, that didn't have deep pockets, building our brand at festivals & bar events would be something I continue to head for the company till mid-2023 for all markets. 

Ngl, was super fun too!
Worked 2020 remotely from back home in Kerala when Covid19 Lockdowns hit us hard.

Silver lining - took on Social Media & Comms, Online Logistics for when we had to pivot to a home delivery system (MH govt legalised alco-bev delivery to keep the business floating till bars & stores opened up in late 2020/early 2021 😅) 👉🏻
2021 - 2023: Moved to Pune, launched more than 6 new Meads into the market & our sister Honey brand the Moonshine Honey Project. Worked on market launches for Karnataka, Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal & Assam!

Worked with artists for all our Mead labels as each label is designed by an independent artist, worked with creators like Nikhil Kini, Sharan Nair & more for collaborative content & events 👉🏻

2023 - 2024: Led key internal projects for the coming years including the Bee Hotel Initiative, our new line of high alc Mead brands - Mati & MalabarGoldPort. Worked with agency partners & vendors for packaging, design, PR & comms

Worked on brand collaborations for Moonshine & Moonshine Honey Project including a Lemon Tea Mead made in collaboration with Vahdam Tea & Ulo Ice Creams made with Honey from the Moonshine Honey Project 👉🏻
The Journey: 2016 - 2019 logo