Shivam Kumar
Highly accomplished Senior Operations Manager with 8+ years of experience driving operational excellence and cost savings.
Healthcare management
Project Management
Quality Assurance
Budgeting and financial planning
Process Improvement
Compliance and regulatory
Team Leadership
Electronic health record (EHR)
Data Analysis and Reporting
Vendor management
Policy development and
Cross-Functional Collaboration
Patient satisfaction and safety
Staffing optimization
Time Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Optimization
Growth and Expansion
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New Delhi, India
How can I help?
This is me!
Hi, I'm Shivam!
Highly accomplished Senior Operations Manager at Netri Healthcare Pvt Ltd
Implemented new strategies resulting in a 25% increase in efficiency and a 20% reduction in costs
Skilled in team leadership, vendor management, and cross-functional collaboration
Some of my highlights!
Tips on how to build your Portfolio Collections
Some of my super stuff! logo