The Fingerprint Labs
Behind every great business, lies a strategy. Some of those, we've created. From the others, we learn.
Business Strategy
Creative Strategy
Branding Strategy
Brand Solutions
Brand Management
Welcome to the lab!
We are an early-stage founders' ally. We help them take the first steps towards building a legacy brand without overwhelming them!
Vanshika Mehta

All things startups, and coffee.
We've worked with 100+ DTC, FMCG, Tech, and SaaS businesses.
Our philosophy:
Brand-led growth is possible.

By using a customized strategy to build your brand from day zero; making brand the hero of your customer-love journey 
Where's the rest of the team?
We have 10 advisors onboard who bring match your passion with their years of experience to each project, each project has a TFL-trusted advisor on board. 
Work? - nah, we could do this in our sleep!
And it goes on and on and on.
Looking for reasons to work with us - here are some!
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