Vrushti Shah
Sr. Graphic Designer @ChtrSocial✨ Getting that 'wow' moment from clients 😲
2D Ilustration
Content Marketing
Creative Strategy
Graphic Design
Social Media Marketing
Visual Design
Web Design
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Mumbai, India
I wear many hats, including that of a creative designer! 🌟
I'm 22 & the youngest Senior Designer on the team👩‍💻
Elevated over 25 + brands to greatness🚀, one design at a time!
  My joy peaks when my work gets exhibited🤩
 When it's time to pitch ideas,  I like to go big and bold.🤞🏻 
I've had more than 15 of my designs featured📸
  For building decks, I'm second to none✨ 
 I enjoy organizing things but don't mind a bit of messiness😉 
Bata - Swag Branding
Medfin - Thumbstopper Designing
Step Set Go - Engagement Designs
Tru Falafel - Social Designs
Cool Story - Cool animations
Goodness to Go - Packaging
Selective - Marketing Collaterals
SuperStuff.ai logo