John Thomas
A brand and marketing communications professional with 8 years of experience across diverse industries, including Professional Services, Social Impact, Education, Healthcare, E-commerce, Automotive, IT, Technology, and Startups.
Communications & PR
Corporate Communications
Social Media Marketing
Public Relations
Brand Management
Branding Strategy
Content Writing
Business Development
Media Strategy
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Bangalore, India
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This is me!
Hi, I'm John!
A brand and marketing communications professional with 8 years of experience across diverse industries such as Startups, IT, Technology, Social Impact, Education, Healthcare, E-commerce and Automotive.
Corporate Communications
Strategizing and executing communication plans to support business objectives and enhance corporate reputation. 
Social Media
Crafting engaging content and strategies to enhance brand presence and audience engagement.

Media Relations
Building and maintaining strong relationships with media to secure positive coverage and manage public perception.
Internal Communications
Developing effective communication plans to foster employee engagement and alignment with company goals.
Brand Management
Creating and maintaining a strong, positive image for brands through strategic planning and execution.
Some of my highlights! logo