Pratyush Sinha
I am a Marketing and Brand Specialist with experience at Imaginarium and Createland Asia. I a total of 15+ years of experience.
Content Marketing
Creative Strategy
Brand Management
Branding Strategy
consumer behaviour
Pune, India
This is me!
Hi, I'm Pratyush!
Brand builder
Consumer Whisperer
Built Marketing at Imaginarium, one of India's leading 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing services
Balancing efficiency and effectiveness - Built the marketing team and processes at Imaginarium, empowered the in-house creative team to innovate in B2B marketing with great content  
Strong believer in the power of creative content, and that it can take on any shape or form. All it needs is the right goal-oriented story and messaging, to make brands and business stronger.
Interests: Reading, Running
Some of my highlights! logo