Sai Aravind Kunapareddy
LinkedIn Top voice - Digital Marketing | Senior Marketing Manager @ Fasal - Grow More, Grow Better
Digital Content Management (DCM)
Lead Generation
Business Development
Bangalore, India
How can I help?
Hi, I'm Sai!
Currently, I'm a Senior Marketing Manager at Fasal.
Awards in Rural Marketing
All Rounder - Marketing function
Recognized for being a LinkedIn Top voice in Digital Marketing.
8 years of experience in the startup ecosystem, excelling as a product marketer, growth hacker, and brand builder.
Expertise in scaling initiatives from concept to execution using data-driven and AI-powered strategies.
Proven success in B2B and B2C markets, utilizing frameworks like RACE to navigate growth challenges.
Played a key role in securing 100 crore Series A funding by driving branding, lead generation, and market research efforts.
Skilled in product marketing, go-to-market strategy, partnership building, and performance marketing.
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