Achal Shah
Data-driven, digital-first Growth Leader with multiple years of leadership experience in building & growing global businesses from scratch. Advisor & Mentor to multiple early-stage startups
Business Growth
Performance Marketer
Content Marketing
Conversion Revenue Optimisation (CRO)
Brand Management
Pune, India
Achal Shah | Seasoned Growth Leader | Eager Learner
Roots in India's 'Enterprise City'. Physically based in Pune. Operating globally.
Grew up in the megacity that was then known as 'Bombay' - India's megapolis and the melting pot of culture & enterprise. Now reside in the (relatively) quieter emerging metro called Pune.
Physically in India
But always operated globally!
My Motto #1:

Sustainable Growth > Reckless Growth.

Value > Valuation
My Motto #2

Bring the Attitude. Aptitude will follow!
My Motto #3:

Speed & Precision over Haste & Perfection
I don't discriminate.

I'd love to grow B2C, B2B, B2B2C or SaaS businesses!
Stickler for Time | Obsessed with numbers
More about me
Lots done. Lots to be done!!
Marketing Challenge #1: Building a location-agnostic global, digital business from scratch
Marketing Challenge #2: Finding the equivalent of a needle in a haystack
Mentoring | Learning | Growing. logo