Parth Bhalla
I am a Marketing Strategist & Creative Director. Previously at Irregulars Alliance and Supari Studios.
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Creative Strategy
Content Production
This is me :)
Hi, I'm Parth!
 Bit of a polymath with multiple interests. What I'm good at? 

Marketing, content creation, content strategy & direction!
Some fun stuff:
- Picked up coding and set up an online game in 7th grade.

- I started my first venture in college. It's what I call my mini-MBA.

- Started a YouTube channel. That's where I learned all the basics of filmmaking.
Daily Goals?
- Get some exercise 
- Get some meditation
- Get some writing
- Sleep well <3
Talk to me about
Tech that's changing the way we'll live 💾
Creators you love 📸
I've always felt that a good mix of work & play is necessary to do anything well! 

My Philosophy: If you enjoy it, you'll probably outlast anyone talented without a work ethic!
Work Showcase - some of my fave pieces I've enjoyed working on
My Bread 🥖 & 🧈 logo